About Us

The Vermont Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (VAND), formerly the Vermont Dietetic Association, was founded in 1944 and is an affiliate of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the word's largest organization of food and nutrition professions.

VAND is committed to improving Vermont's health and advancing the profession of nutrition and dietetics through research, education and advocacy.

Our Vision:

  • A community where all Vermonters thrive through the transformative power of food and nutrition.

Our Mission:

  • Foster connections among members to enhance the Vermont food and nutrition landscape.



VAND Strategic Plan 2020-2025


What a Registered Dietitian/Registered Dietitian Nutritionist Can Do For You

When you need food and nutrition information based on fact or need to know how a healthy diet improves health and fights disease—rely on qualified professions in the field. 


What is the Difference Between a Registered Dietitian, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, and a Nutritionist?

Visit the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for more information about Registered Dietitians/Registered Dietitian Nutritionists. 

Find a Registered Dietitian Available to You in Vermont
At this site, click on "Find an Expert".  Enter your Zip code to search for local dietitans.

In the State of Vermont, Dietitians are governed by the "Advisor" model of regulation, created by the Legislature.  For more information visit the Vermont Secretary of State- Office of Professional Regulation website

CD stands for Certified Dietitian which means a person who is certified to practice dietetics in the State of Vermont.