
Welcome to the VAND Member Site!
This site provides information and other resources to the members of the Vermont Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 

Our association wouldn’t be possible without you and your membership! So, please, tell us how we’re doing. We want to know. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter.  And if you feel inspired, join us. We’d love to have you!

To log onto member site, click on Member Login button on top right hand corner of screen with your Academy member number and password.

 Join VAND!

Volunteer with VAND!

The work of VAND relies on the many contributions of members such as you. Volunteer leaders are the mainstay of any professional organization.  With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are enormous to you, your family, and your association.

Here are what some of our VAND Board Members found valuable in their volunteer roles.


  • Board Members
  • Awards: The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics sponsors a number of awards for outstanding dietetics professionals. Each year, VAND asks members to nominate individuals you feel deserve these awards.
  • VAND Support Recipients: List of whom has reccieved financial support by VAND

Member Only Links:  You need to log in as a member to view these pages

  • VAND Committees: VAND Committees are a great way to Network!
  • Professional Development and Governance:  Members are invited to get involved with the Academy's governance on any level — from learning more about current trends affecting the profession or submitting professional issues and concerns — to volunteering for a committee or running for a national leadership position — the Academy wants to hear from members and wants to know your ideas, concerns and issues.
  • Professional Recognition: Certification, licensure and other forms of state professional regulation serve to protect the public, improve professional practice and make Vermont a better place.
  • MNT Reimbursment: The Academy seeks to empower dietetics professionals to be successful at delivering high quality nutrition services and getting paid.
  • Advocacy:  Academy members work on a broad range of issues, improving America's nutrition and health status. Our members are recognized for their contributions and influence in food, nutrition and health policy.To help focus and guide our policy efforts, the following priority areas and issues have been identified:
    • Disease prevention and treatment, including cancer, cardiovascular health, diabetes and pre-diabetes, HIV/AIDS, obesity and weight and access to healthcare.
    • Lifecycle nutrition, including prenatal and maternal health, early childhood nutrition, school-age students and nutrition for older adults.
    • Healthy food systems and access, including food security, supply and management of food systems, food safety, dietary supplements and food fortification, food and menu labeling and nutrition education.
    • Quality healthcare, including healthcare equity, consumer protection and licensure, workforce demand, research and monitoring, lowering healthcare costs and quality measures.

  • Board Minutes and files